Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Grey eyes
brown eyes
green eyes
blue eyes
Red eyes
Bluish grey eyes
greenish blue eyes
Doe eyes
cat eyes
SLit eyes

Eyes...hmm... i guess i like big eyes..big mysterious beautiful eyes..the bigger the better.

Blah Blah

I Live
I Do
I Dare
I Know
I Fail
I Mean
I Learn
I Give
I Prove

and then
I i am worth it all
(are you jealous of me?? :))

I was never a escapist and will never be its time for the world to understand that i have it in me to get whatever i want


All through teenage, i thought i was a rebel just cz i wore jeans, always had a skinned hand / leg, unkempt hair, ripped shoes, tattered school bag & tie, school books which are more scrap books for doodling. And to add to these personality traits there were acts like, argue with folks - coolest thing do, sneaking out of home - the biggest achievement, having Che Guvera poster at home - made me the ultimate, talking about Communist Manifesto & Materialism - made me a scholar and the ultimate aim in my life was to talk about Peace- you know peace like no war, no cry and all.

And one day i grew up just to realize that- everything i thought- was a small world of fantasy i created. Wish i could just stick to my stupid world of rebelism.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I want to talk to you

about why u never let yourself be what u want to, when i was around
about why u never told me anything that was going on in your mind
about why u never told the truth to her
about why u never spoke to me when i badly wanted to speak to you
about why u always walked out when i asked you not to leave me
about why u made false promises
about why u never told me what made u start all this with me
about why u never think of staying in touch with me
about why u ditched me by not being a good friend
about why u never give me a goodnight kiss
about what u search in me when u look at me
about why u couldn't own me
about why u still treat me like a stranger
about why we cannot have a conversation as good friends

I wish i could really ask u all these questions, unfortunately i know your answer - long killing silence. I might as well stare in to the empty sky and be happy to have it above me than dwell in to the conversation.

xx Peace xx


Monday, September 20, 2010

I'll catch you soon

Last evening was at the hospital with my little cousin. Walking out of the lift felt a lady gazing at me. When i could finally get all the hospital trauma off my head, realized it was an old lost friend.

A friend, who would have been a special one, if the complications one create during teenage wouldn't have affected us. A friend, who i would have cherished being with if we didn't loose out ourselves for the egos we had.

After a warm hug and peppy talk about what's happening with each other in the cold hospital lobby. We had to let ourselves go, as usual we had our lives ahead of the little circle of love, warmth and longing we created the moment we met.

As a goodbye promise she told me i'll catch you soon on Facebook, i'm sure u r there?.
What a shame, a virtual life we create has become more prominent in our lives than our physical self.
I walked back in to the lift regretting every good thing being taken away by the virtual reality.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

One of the few things that make me smile

A friend of mine had got this as a souvenir of one of his trips to a small hill station.

I guess its the smallest crystal globe i ever saw.Dont know why everytime i look at it on my desk i have a smile on my face.

My Wishlist before i turn 26

* Get drenched in rain without fear
* Start driving again
* Kiss in the middle of the sea
* Road trip to Goa
* Finish my pottery course
* Get another piercing done
* ***********( it is a secret)
* Get a really really real girly friend
* Catch up with my friends more often
* Srilanka trip

I think dat is it for now :)

A thought breaker :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Life or Existence

Woke up in the morning feeling really lifeless and that's pretty unlike me and as usual got in to this random thinking mode of mine- a world that i create, destroy, modify to move ahead and have fun. Today, started thinking if one were to create a world with people who live their life- there would actually be very few as most around us just exist and think that they are living.
Their life ends with a definite purpose and most of their days go like this
- they wake up everyday to get dressed and reach office
-they reach office to finish the pending work left behind
-they sit in meetings cz they have to mark their attendance
-they eat because it's lunchtime and they get to gossip
-they leave work early cz they dont want to get stuck in a jam
-they reach home cz thats where they live
-then they eat and sleep and weekends spend roaming around markets / malls trying to keep themselves or their partners happy

Wish these people get to see the other side of mere existence in this beautiful world, may be for a change start living and see what the life holds up to them.

To sum this all up :
If you don't find what you are looking for, make a change and put some effort to create it and BE it.

Woww..i have become a gyaani too :)


The most scary sound i can ever imagine is a dentist drill going on and on in my ear, even the thought scares the shit out of me. After one of those rare visits that i actually grant my dentist to have the pleasure of being with me. I had a rather unlikely and unpleasing doubt in my mind, with my gum's aching like sour wounds and the rusty taste of blood making it difficult for me to swallow the intelligent side of me asked the doc a question- Why is it that people always refer pain with a phrase like 'Pain in the ass/ arse' , why not relate it to the most difficult and obvious one like 'Pain the tooth'.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I planned it all as well as i could
I waited wanting the future to unveil the magic for both of us
But only when i woke up in the morning i realized
That the future i awaited was his past, a past he regrets.

He asked me to tell u about this.