Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Life or Existence

Woke up in the morning feeling really lifeless and that's pretty unlike me and as usual got in to this random thinking mode of mine- a world that i create, destroy, modify to move ahead and have fun. Today, started thinking if one were to create a world with people who live their life- there would actually be very few as most around us just exist and think that they are living.
Their life ends with a definite purpose and most of their days go like this
- they wake up everyday to get dressed and reach office
-they reach office to finish the pending work left behind
-they sit in meetings cz they have to mark their attendance
-they eat because it's lunchtime and they get to gossip
-they leave work early cz they dont want to get stuck in a jam
-they reach home cz thats where they live
-then they eat and sleep and weekends spend roaming around markets / malls trying to keep themselves or their partners happy

Wish these people get to see the other side of mere existence in this beautiful world, may be for a change start living and see what the life holds up to them.

To sum this all up :
If you don't find what you are looking for, make a change and put some effort to create it and BE it.

Woww..i have become a gyaani too :)

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